Trump’s Now Lying About “Tim Apple” Snafu

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Donald Trump lifts his hands during the debate, showing the size. He called Marco Rubio "Little Marco" after this.

Photo: REUTERS/Jim Young

Oh. Oh my. Now this is an interesting turn of events. Donald Trump is now stating that he did not say “Tim Apple” in the now viral video of him calling Tim Cook “Tim Apple.” He’s now stating that he said “Cook” in between “Tim” and “Apple.”

It’s a real he said, everyone else said moment, isn’t it? Well, too bad there’s not a ton of video of the event.

Oh, there is?


Yes, that’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Donald Trump is such a narcissistic liar, he can’t even fess up to making a small flub on TV. Had this been anyone else, they would have brushed it off and moved on. But someone self conscious about his declining mental health and approval numbers? Well, he may make up an obvious lie.

What’s worse? Donald Trump already admitted to saying “Tim Apple” in that meeting.

That’s right, Donald Trump is now saying you shouldn’t even trust him. He’s being very specific here in this tweet. Above, he clearly admits to saying “Tim Apple.”

But to donors (and press) at a Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump claims he said “Tim Cook Apple” really fast, but the “Cook” part was quiet. He then blamed “fake news.”

His donors, unsurprisingly, were not impressed. One donor who spoke with Axios said, “I just thought, why would you lie about that? It doesn’t even matter!”

Why indeed? Although, to a pathological liar like Trump who’s self conscious about his mental faculties, the answer is obvious. It’s to conceal a great danger to America: his declining mental health.


