Apple Boots Gay Conversion App from App Store

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App Store screenshot showing "item not available."

Love won

LGBTQ conversion therapy is not approved b y any medical authority. There are a few reasons for this. First, there’s zero evidence that shows conversion therapy changes a person’s sexual orientation. It seems sexual orientation is immutable. Secondly, LGBTQ people internalize the hatred these programs instill. They often become depressed and consider suicide. Conversion therapy does not achieve the outcomes anti-LGBTQ people hope for, it only leads to depression and suicide.

Therefore, when Apple found an app on their platform that advocated for conversion therapy, making LGBTQ people feel guilty for how they were born, they acted swiftly. Apple removed the Living Hoped Ministries app.

A Petition Makes a Difference

Living Hope Ministries app information

A petition from LGBTQ nonprofit Truth Wins Out brought the anti-LGBTQ views the Living Hope Ministries app spread to the attention of Apple. The app considered gay people to have an “addiction,” a “sickness,” and living in “sin.” Despite warnings from actual psychological professionals at the American Psychiatric Association, the app tried to guilt LGBTQ people into changing their gender and sexuality.

They call LGBTQ people terrible things, but the creators of the app say they “love gay-identified indiciduals.” Of course, this is a common tactic of these hate groups, to claim they “love the sinner but hate the sin.” However, the app clearly preached hate and asked LGBTQ people to internalize this hatred.

Apple was right to remove this app. Causing LGBTQ people pain with no hope of any kind of desired goal is just cruel. With Apple’s firm stance against hate apps, Living Hope Ministries app is no longer on the App Store.

Of course, you can still find it on Google Play, which, apparently, has a more lax view on harming kids.
