Samsung’s Latest iPhone Attack Ads are… Actually Good

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I can’t believe I’m going to write this. Samsung has put out a few iPhone X attack ads and… they’re actually good. No, really. They make excellent points about the iPhone, like the giant prices Apple charges for storage upgrades and cloud storage, the lack of split-screen multitasking, and, of course, the notch. How could you not attack Apple’s notch? It sits in the way of your movies, it makes the top bar of your app twice as large as it should be, robbing you of screen space in two ways. I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 at work, and, while the screen is the same size diagonally, it somehow feels larger. Perhaps it’s because it doesn’t have a large space taken out of it for sensors and cameras.

Check out Samsung’s two other ads below. What do you think, Does Samsung make a good point?

I actually used split screen on my iPad to make write this post. Unfortunately, it’s the only iOS device that can do it.