WWDC Starting June 22nd: New Apple Software and Hardware Inbound! Reading Time: 3 minutes. WWDC has gone...
Joe Biden Also Wants to Revoke Section 230, the Backbone of the Internet Reading Time: 8 minutes. Section 230...
Facebook Continues to Uphold its Lack of Standards, Sparking Walkouts and Protests Reading Time: 6 minutes. When Donald Trump...
How Apple Still Fails Transgender Users: iCloud Email Addresses Reading Time: 5 minutes. Leading up...
The Next Apple Pencil Might Come in Black, and I’m Waiting to Upgrade Now Reading Time: 3 minutes. I have a...
Trump’s Anti-Social Network Executive Order Has No Teeth, But It’s Still Dangerous Reading Time: 5 minutes. When Donald Trump...
Twitter Labels a Few False Trump Tweets as False. Meltdown Ensues. Reading Time: 4 minutes. Earlier this...
Apple’s New Pride Bands Show Support for LGBTQ People… But do They? Reading Time: 3 minutes. Pride parades may...
Senate Votes to Give Government Agencies Access to Your Browsing History Reading Time: 5 minutes. The Freedom...