
The Case MagSafe Rankings

Reading Time: 3 minutes.

An absurd number of iPhone cases with MagSafe piled on a desk. With my last iPhone case review, I think I finally came up with a good way of ranking MagSafe. I’ve tweaked it since then, but it’s pretty similar. It goes something like this:

So, a case with MagSafe that’s impossibly strong, but doesn’t have the vertical alignment bar would get a 4/6. A case without MagSafe would get 0/6. A case with weak MagSafe, but all parts accounted for, would get 3/6. A case with MagSafe that’s so weak items fall off of it could get either a 0 or 2, depending on the vertical alignment bar.

I added the “too weak to rely on” level since the last case review because I realize that there are some cases that may have MagSafe that you simply cannot use because it’s too weak. One case, my Carved case, is close to that, but not quite that bad.

With that in mind, I updated the reviews for each of the iPhone 13 cases I’ve reviewed so far this year. I’ve also included those updates below.

MagSafe Rankings

I do have a few of my iPhone 12 mini cases still on-hand, but since they don’t fit the iPhone 13 well, and therefore sit further away from the iPhone’s magnetic array, it wouldn’t be a fair comparison. The exception would be the Rhinoshield case, which has no back and therefore works with some MagSafe accessories. This would still score a 0/6 because the case doesn’t have MagSafe and it doesn’t work with wallets or grips, only chargers.

I hope this new rating system will help make these case reviews a little more accurate and quantifiable. I have one case in the backlog of reviews that will require an asterisk already, as it has its own proprietary magnetic array. Still, adding a number to these values will make it easier to see, at a glance, which cases perform the best with MagSafe.

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