2020 can feel like it was four years long, and the last four years were no picnic either. Still, try to remember 2018. I know, an eternity ago, but try. The world was worried about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. A Russian-born professor collected large amounts of data on Facebook, sidestepping security measures and breaking Facebook’s guidelines, to collect data on people and all of their friends. In 2018, that data leaked.
Cambridge Analytica used the collected data stolen from Facebook to aid in a number of political campaigns in 2016. That included Trump’s campaign as well as Brexit. Russia also obtained the data.
To this day, conservatives have a hold on Facebook, in part due to the data Cambridge Analytica collected, but also because Facebook loves controversy-stirring conservatives, and bends over backwards to coddle them, all while attacking liberal sources.
The Cambridge Analytical scandal was massive. This group collected data without users’ permission and Facebook covered up the breech for years. People finally began losing trust in Facebook, who collects unfathomable amounts of information about our lives from across the internet, and doesn’t protect that information well. But it also showed us just how far conservatives supporters would go to win.
Cambridge Analytica was largely backed by a right-wing mega-donor, the Mercer family, specifically, Rebekah and her father Robert Mercer. Now she’s announced another partnership: right-wing and “free speech” network Parler. The site has become a haven for racists and the alt-right, while banning left-leaning users. Is it any surprise who’s actually behind it?
Facebook banned her company for stealing data, now she backed an app.
What could go wrong?
Suspicious Funding
Up until now, we didn’t know that Parler had any prominent financial backers. It’s easy to see why they may have been reluctant to disclose this information. After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it’s hard to believe anyone would trust the Mercer family. But when your priority is partisanship, with a strong conservative bias, those scam-like tactics are perfect.
“The ever increasing tyranny and hubris of our tech overlords demands that someone lead the fight against data mining, and for the protection of free speech online. That someone is Parler, a beacon to all who value their liberty, free speech, and personal privacy.”
– Rebekah Mercer, on Parler
Mercer’s comments are ironic, given she was heavily involved in one of the most well known and large scale data mining operation ever. As the co-founder of Cambridge Analytica, she played a role in collecting user info and eventually losing track of that data, leaking it to whoever wanted to download it.
Cambridge Analytica broke Facebook’s guidelines to collect so much information on users, even those who didn’t use its app. Now Rebekah Mercer doesn’t have to worry about that. She practically owns a social network.
Now they just hand their data over.
Parler Privacy Concerns
But Parler’s like Twitter, right? How much personal data could they collect? Actually, a lot. Parler requires your phone number for sign up. Even if you use a pseudonym online, that phone number and any email address you provide is more than enough to tie you to any of your other social network accounts, your shopping history, and your cellular carrier. With just a phone number, they can know every personal detail about you.
Parler says they do this for security, but a number of fake accounts have gotten through and Parler has even verified fraudulent accounts. While a phone number system does limit a single account to a user who is less likely to be fraudulent, as setting up burner phone numbers is more difficult than setting up fake email addresses, the system hasn’t worked. It seems possible that Parler could use phone numbers not only for signup, but also for data collection.
Parler is backed by the same people responsible for one of the largest data collection schemes ever. It’s hard to believe they’re not up to their old tricks.
Parler’s Hypocrisy
As if privacy concerns weren’t enough of a reason to avoid Parler, there’s another problem. Unless you’re a right-wing user, and potentially a member of a hate group or an outspoken Islamophobe, you may not even last on the network very long. You’ll have gone through the verification process and handed over data for nothing. Parler, despite claiming to be a “neutral platform” regularly bans leftist users. While some of these users may be trolls, trolling is, by their own definition, free speech. After all, most of their users were once trolls on Twitter.
It seems they don’t want a neutral platform, they just want a safe space for Nazis, the alt-right, Proud Boys, and notable racists.
Hate Superspreaders

Parler exploded in popularity after Biden won the U.S. election. But will it last?
Many well-known conservative voices have joined Parler, including Ted Cruz and a number of Fox News correspondents. Ted Cruz may be an extremist, spouting hate speech and advocating for hateful policies that target LGBTQ people, but he’s not including outright racism in his messaging. Neither are most Fox News correspondents. They may be far-right commentators, but they usually draw the line at outright Nazi-style propaganda. However, Parler does not. Users who may flock to Parler for slightly left-of-Nazi voices like Ted Cruz will find accounts belonging to outright Nazis, KKK members, Islamophobes, Proud Boys, and the like. A more moderately conservative person could be exposed to the normalization of extremist views. This could lead to them finding such views more tolerable, seeing hate speech as “just a different political opinion.”
“If a lot of people start migrating onto a platform to hear the Laura Ingrahms and Sean Hannitys, but are getting a steady dose of Proud Boys … that may normalize the fringes in a way that normally it wouldn’t.”
– Oren Segal, Vice President of the Anti-Defamation League
Parler, like Gab, 8chan, and others, will do what every “free speech” network has done. It will become a safe haven for the most vial of hate speech. It may radicalize many people, but it will ultimately fail. That’s not to say it will not drive violence and real world consequences for elections.
Politicians will be able to use information collected on these users. They’ll be able to use it to drive protests and violence, as Trump is now with his “Stop the Count” push, trying to stop the democratic process in America. This couldn’t be more dangerous or threatening to our country. Truly, this is a tipping point, and on one side of the scale, there is tyranny.
Parler seeks to stir that pot and elevate the voices supporting fascism in America. Now we know it’s backed by a right-wing financier who will stop at nothing to give conservatives an edge in elections, even break the rules.
Parler may be more dangerous than I or any one else gave it credit for. With Facebook’s constant attacks on liberals and American democracy at large, America could be just a small push from fascism. Parler may be that small push.