Please Welcome Tim Apple, New CEO of Apple

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Donald Tump hugging a flag. This might be subjective, but I'm just going to say it: it looks weird. Creepy even.

Other things Trump grabs without consent: flags.

Everyone knows Bill Microsoft, CEO of Microsoft. And then there’s Jeff Amazon, the CEO of Amazon. Let’s not forget Marillyn Lockheed, CEO of Lockheed. As all stable geniuses know, all companies are named after their CEO.

Okay, you and I know this isn’t the case. But someone losing their mental faculties would have an issue differentiating. Especially a person who has a history of Alzheimer’s disease running in his family, is old enough to feel the effects of the disease, and also has a company that shares his last name.

Yes, we’re talking about Donald Trump, owner of his own company, with the name Trump Organization, and president of the United States of America. In a meeting recently, he called Tim Cook, CEO of Apple “Tim Apple.”

This isn’t the first time Trump has had a “senior moment” like this. He also referred to the CEO of Lockheed, Marillyn Hewson, as Marillyn Lockheed (below). Of course, he’s had other lapses in mental faculties. Like when he couldn’t recognize his advisor and lawyer, former New York City mayor, Rudy Giuliani when he was sitting across the table from him. He also needed Theresa May’s help with some stairs (another sign of Alzheimer’s), and let’s not even mention his awful performance at CPAC, where he meandered through racist and untrue statements, seemingly confused about what batteries are, yet somehow found time to get into a very deep… hug(?) with a flag.

But now, the president has decreed, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is no longer a “Cook.” He is an “Apple.” Because, when people are named after their companies (or vice versa), it’s a lot easier to keep track of their names.

Tim Cook’s Reaction

Tim Cook's Twitter profile. His display name is now Tim Tim Apple reacted negatively during the meeting. After all, what do you do when you realize the so-called “leader of the free world” can’t remember a name as simple as “Cook?” It’s disconcerting, to say the least. This is a man who can launch a nuke on a whim, and he can’t remember the single syllable name of the CEO of one of the most successful American companies ever.

Tim seems to have gotten a sense of humor about it though, trolling the president on Twitter by changing his display name. The user known as @tim_cook now has the display name of “Tim .” Trump will probably remember this, after all, it’s a picture of an apple instead of that big five-letter word for it.

What do you think? Should we take this all in stride, consider it just another tiny little flub, or should we be worried about the mental state of a man who has his hands on nuclear weapons?

Think about that while you watch this video of him “dry humping” our flag, meandering through false statements, and endorsing… TiVo?

