YouTube Now Demonitizes Anti-Vax Content

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The YouTube play button logoIf there’s one common trend dooming humanity, it’s willful ignorance of science. Sure, the rise of flat-earthers has, largely, been harmless. But an anti-GMO sentiment stops research that could help our planet grow more food in more places, helping end world hunger. Climate change denial obviously causes harm to our planet, which is becoming increasingly hostile for humans and has already lead to global conflict and war.

But there’s another growing trend of anti-science sentiment threatening humanity: anti-vaccination (anti-vax) groups. These people believe that vaccines are unhealthy, unnecessary, and cause autism. All research suggests just the opposite on every one of those points. Still, these people push forward with their crazy views. As a result, countries all over the world are seeing the re-emergence of diseases we had long since conquered, like measles and polio.

Vaccines are not 100% effective in everyone. However, by saturating a population with near 100% immunity, those still vulnerable to the disease, despite having the vaccine, do not need to fear getting it because they’ll never come in contact with it. Because anti-vaxxers have lowered the percentage of people immune to these diseases, they’ve started to spread again.

This is dangerous, and YouTube is working to stop the spread of these untrue and harmful opinions on vaccines. As one of the primary sources of this misinformation, it’s about time.

YouTube’s Role in Anti-Vax Ideas

Anti-vaxxers have used YouTube to spread their ideas for some time now. The videos make false claims and, due to the format, can inspire passion over the topic while making fact checking more difficult. You can’t simply copy and paste a quote from a YouTube video into a search bar to check its validity. Because of this, YouTube has been a prime source for all kinds of conspiracies and fake news. After viewing such content, YouTube will suggest more conspiracy videos, taking advantage of gullible people for ad impressions.

Advertisers found their ads were showing up on videos that spoke against vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared anti-vaccine sentiment as one of the top 10 threats to human health. No advertiser wants their brand associated with one of the world’s greatest health threats. Also, due to explicit videos on YouTube that involved minors, many advertisers began leaving YouTube. As a result, the company took quick action.

What YouTube is Doing

YouTube removed ads from anti-vax videos and also added fact checking

YouTube, a week apart. On the left, ads and no fact checking. On the right, YouTube as it is now.

First, YouTube will no longer monetize the videos of anti-vaxxers. They point out that the videos are harmful, and therefore against YouTube’s rules. This means that ads will not appear on their videos and content creators will get nothing from YouTube for their content. They’ll have to volunteer to create their idiotic content. This alone will cause many YouTubers to abandon their anti-vax channels. Some may have only been in it to push supplements they sell. Others may have simply wanted to profit from the ads. Regardless, no one wants to work for free.

Next, YouTube is providing fact checks right on these pages. Instead of ads under the video, users will instead see a warning from the WHO about anti-vaccine sentiments. It warns them that it’s one of the greatest dangers facing mankind today.

With any luck, these two steps will not only prevent YouTube content creators from making these harmful videos, but also educate the people watching them. Someone who sees one of these videos with a message directly below it refuting the content of the video may think twice before believing the absurd content of the video.

Now if only YouTube would do the same thing for climate change denial and anti-GMO videos. They still recommend conspiracy content to people who view other conspiracies, leading people already vulnerable to these ideas tumbling down a rabbit hole of insanity.
