
Facebook Employees Use Burner Phones to Hide from Facebook

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Mark Zuckerberg with his arms around two uncomfortable looking male employees. Zuck is holding a bottle of gatorade. It's the lemon lime flavor.

Look at this humble FaceBro. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Facebook employees are so frightened of their own company that they’re using burner phones to communicate with each other. Of course, as some sex workers have discovered, your burner phones can still give away your actual identity if anyone uses your real name or you store the same contacts on both devices. Facebook employees likely know the best ways to avoid Facebook tracking. Perhaps we all need multiple burner phones to avoid Facebook tracking?

Unhappy Employees

Facebook employees have, historically, been silent. Unlike Apple and other companies, Facebook employees have rarely leaked anything. The times, they are a-changin’. Now Facebook employees are extremely unhappy. The company has lied to consumers, deceived politicians, permitted and even defended hate speech, hired firms to trash talk competitors, and has contributed to genocide. They managed to do that while grabbing up all of your personal information.

Facebook employees wonder where the company’s moral compass is pointing. Right now, many feel as though they’ve created a monster. A hate spewing, spying, violent monster. Looking at the news reports, it seems they’re right.

Loyal Employees

“It’s otherwise rational, sane people who’re in Mark’s orbit spouting full-blown anti-media rhetoric, saying that the press is ganging up on Facebook.”

– Anonymous former Senior Facebook Official

Some employees have stuck with Facebook. They say the media is attacking Facebook just to bring them down. It’s the Donald Trump defense. “No, I’m not doing anything terrible, it’s everyone else who’s wrong for publishing what I’m doing!” I promise you, no shady organization told me to gang up on Facebook.

Hopping for Change

It’s safe to say that everyone at Facebook is hoping for change. Those loyal to the company hope the company will stop attracting the ire of consumers, pundits, journalists, and, most importantly, their users. Those who believe Facebook is in the wrong want to stop hiding their criticisms behind burner phones. Surely Zuckerberg wants the monkeys off his back.

2020 elections are less than two years away now. Election news will ramp up over the next two years. Facebook employees are worried the site will continue to be a breeding ground for hate, fake news, and Russian influence. It seems like, thanks to Zuckerberg’s decisions, their fears are well founded. Facebook won’t get any better.

Facebook’s Crimes

It’s too hard to list these in context. Here are a few of the bad news stories from Facebook over the past few months:

Facebook hasn’t had a good year. Their employees are unhappy, their users are unhappy, and their investors are uncomfortable.


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