How did they miss this?
Buy an iPhone X, the buggiest AND most expensive iPhone ever!
This feels like a parody, but it unfortunately is not. The gif above slows the ad down enough to show the flaw. Towards the end of Apple’s latest Face ID commercial, our powerful protagonist looks at her phone to read a text from her friend Kate. If you look closely, you can see one of iOS 11’s many bugs: the text for the message appears before the bubble grows to it.
This is fortunately one of iOS 11’s smallest and most tame bugs. However, it’s now a bug that Apple has used in an advertisement. It’s famous now. At least her phone didn’t crash, right?
It’s troubling to see that Apple’s infamous attention to detail has become so poor that they don’t even realize when they’re putting bugs in commercials now.
Apple will reveal iOS 12 this summer. Thanks to bugs like this one, it’ll be a much smaller update than initially planned. Instead, Apple will focus on fixing bugs from iOS 11. iOS 11 is so bad that “stability” will be a key feature of iOS 12.
Seriously, Apple?