James Damore is joined in his suit against Google by a man who was fired after accusing a Muslim coworker of possibly being a terrorist.

James Damore and David Gudeman took issue with pushes to combat sexism and racism at Google. The company fired them for creating an unwelcome working environment after vocalizing these objections.
What do you do after you publish a sexist, racist screed against diversity at your company? Go looking for new jobs, obviously. Unfortunately, for Damore, anyway, few people want to work with someone who looks down on companies that believe actual scientific studies that show increased productivity, innovation, and profitability in diverse workplaces. No one wants to work with someone who thinks women and minorities aren’t as good at their jobs as men, and were hired to fulfill a quota, not for their actual talent. Someone who looks down on female and minority engineers is going to have a hard time finding a good paying job anywhere.
Damore’s doing the only thing he can do, joining up with another racist former Googler to sue Google.
In This Article:
Is an Unsafe Work Environment a Political Belief?

A section of the lawsuit that shows they’re looking to defend transphobia and sexist idolization of male-driven society.
David Gudeman joined James Damore in a class action lawsuit against Google. Gudeman lost his job after he suggested that the FBI might have found something on a Muslim coworker, suggesting he was a terrorist. Of course, Gudeman doesn’t think he was creating a lousy work environment for everyone who wasn’t a white, straight, male, he just thinks Google fired him because they hate white men. Coworkers warned both former employees, but their words of caution and pleas were taken as combative. Damore and Gudeman destroyed their careers at Google by trying to push their beliefs—seemingly that women and minorities are lesser employees—on their unsuspecting coworkers. Both fought, believing their ignorant, hateful, and hurtful statements somehow made for a productive work environment.
Google is Predominantly White and Male

Google is SO bias against white men that they gave them more jobs, more money, and more leadership roles!
If Google hates white men, they have a weird way of showing it. Google’s technical employees are a whopping 80% male, their leadership is 75% male, and all of their employees are 69% male. If they wanted to hate men, they probably shouldn’t have given so many jobs to men instead of women. They know half the population is female and should therefore have a around a 50/50 split, right? Google is facing a Department of Labor investigation for discriminating against women in pay and promotion as well. Why would they do something like that if they like women more than men? Someone has to teach Google how to hate men, they’re terrible at it.
Google’s employees are also 68% white. Really weird for a company that supposedly hates white people.
What Law Did Google Allegedly Break?

Gudeman was fired after suggesting that a Muslim coworker might have been a terrorist.
Damore and Gudeman are suing for discrimination based on their political views. They’re stating they were forced out of Google for being conservatives, not for being sexist or racist. Damore has compared working in tech in California to being gay in the 1950s. If that was true, if he had been kicked out of his home, arrested, had his children taken away, or tortured in a mental institution for being conservative, I’d truly have sympathy for him. Fortunately, none of that happened. He was just fired for making an unproductive work environment. Political views—protected under California law—likely don’t cover racism and sexism. Damore and Gudeman will have to show that the predominantly white and male Google hates white conservative males. They’ll also have to prove that they were forced out for their political ideologies, gender, or skin color, not for creating an unproductive and unwelcome work environment for women and racial minorities (which they did).
Why Are They Doing This?

Damore and Gudeman think this man stating that Google would have to “lower the bar” for minorities proves that they have innocent beliefs.
What are they asking for? Attention, it would seem. They’re suing for monetary and punitive terms, yes, but a quick glance through the lawsuit shows their actual intentions. The lawsuit contains a number of screenshots from private Google chats, specifically chosen in limited context to make Google look bad. Their goal was to show that Google employees are hateful of conservatives. These were conversations among friends and coworkers, now made public. I censored and included some here. Most actually work against Damore and Gudeman.

Being intolerant of bigoted workplace interruptions is a good thing.
These screenshots show what a hostile environment he and others had created at Google for anyone who didn’t fit the homogeneous paradise he saw for the company: white, straight, and cisgender male. His examples show people frustrated with sexism and racism, not people frustrated with conservative ideals. However, they also show “conservative” instigators, intentionally looking to make an awkward situation at work. These screenshots don’t really help Damore or Gudeman’s case. However, the screenshots in the lawsuit supposedly show anti-white mentalities, but they’re actually against white supremacy. In these screenshots, the people defending white male dominance within the company had their names blacked out. Liberal names lacked protection. This was so alt-right trolls would know who to harass online, as they did the last time Damore raised controversy. Women and LGBTQ people are especially at risk now, because these conversations were made public without redacting names. This was Damore’s true objective, sow fear for those at Google defending diversity. Using fear and intimidation to push a political agenda is literally terrorism.

Fortunately, the tech industry’s sexism means few women had to deal with this at work. Unfortunately, it meant one woman had to bear the brunt of Damore’s sexism alone.
Google fired Damore because he wrote a long screed about how women are “biologically inferior” for engineering , creating an unwelcome environment at the company for women. They fired Gudeman for suggesting a Muslim coworker might actually be a terrorist. Do these people sound like your kind of folks? If so, contact the Dhillon Law Group to join their class action suit and your local KKK, Neo-Nazi, or Alt-Right group.
A Final Thought
Pushes to increase workplace diversity don’t cause a sort of “reverse sexism/racism” effect. The tech industry’s poor representation of women and minorities despite years of working for diversity prove that. The only thing diversity initiatives do is help women and minorities combat the biases against them in hiring and promotion. That’s it. They’re there to help level the playing field, and they’re not doing a good enough job. If anything, we still need to do more to diversify tech.
- Catherine Clifford, CNBC: “Fired engineer on being a conservative at Google: ‘Really, it’s like being gay in the 1950s’.”
- Elizabeth Dwoskin and Craig Timberg, The Washington Post: “Google, Twitter face new lawsuits alleging discrimination against conservative voices.”
- Jessica Guynn, USA Today: “Google puts women in lower level, lower paying jobs, new lawsuit says.”
- Colin Lecher, The Verge: “James Damore sues Google for allegedly discriminating against conservative white men.”
- Connie Loizos, Techcrunch: “James Damore just filed a class action lawsuit against Google, saying it discriminates against white male conservatives.”
- Adi Robertson, The Verge: “James Damore’s lawsuit partner says Google is dominated by a racist, man-hating ‘hate group’.”
- Nitasha Tiku, Wired: “James Damore’s Lawsuit is Designed to Embarrass Google.”